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L1 Vehicle Fire - Route 1 SB @ Sycamore Lane
Friday, January 27, 2012

Station 4/24 (Odessa) & Station 26 (Townsend) were alerted at 0132 hours to an *L1 Vehicle Fire* on Route 1 at Sycamore Lane. Engine 24 responded at 0132 hours with 5 Firefighters, under Command of LT-24 (Coviello) and found the vehicle fully involved. At 0135 hours Field Piece 24-0 (Odessa) & Rescue-26 (Townsend) responded both with a crew of 5 Firefighters. The crew from Engine 24 placed the bumper attack line in service and began to extinguish the fire and crews from Rescue-26 (Townsend) & Field Piece 24-0 assisted with minor mop up and traffic duties. The scene was placed under control by LT-24 at 0149 hours and both crews cleared at 0200 hours. The scene was turned over to DSP for a quick investigation.


Responding Apparatus; Engine-24, 24-0, Rescue-26 and DSP

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Odessa Fire Company
304 Main St.
P.O. Box 81
Odessa, DE 19730
302.378.8929 | 302.378.1300 (fax)

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