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NCC Fire Service Installation Dinner
Thursday, December 12, 2013

On Thursday December 12, 2013 the New Castle County Volunteer Firefighters, Fire Chiefs & Ambulance Associations held their annual combined Installation dinner at the Volunteer Hose Company of Middletown hall Station 27.

Congratulations to the following Firefighters on their elected positions for the up coming year 2014;

NCC Firefighters Association

Dan Burris (Station 27) President

Frank Gant (OFC own/Past President) Trustee


NCC Fire Chiefs Association

Andy Hall (Station 26) President

Scott Brown (OFC own/Fire Chief) 1st Vice President

Charlie Johnston (OFC own/Secretary) Secretary

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Odessa Fire Company
304 Main St.
P.O. Box 81
Odessa, DE 19730
302.378.8929 | 302.378.1300 (fax)

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