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MVC- TT Rollover on Route 1 NB
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

On Tuesday December 17, 2019 at 11:31 hours the Odessa Fire Company along with mutual aid units were alerted for a Tractor Trailer that rolled over near the Appo. River bridge on DE 1 NB lanes in Odessa. Units responded to the scene to find a single tractor trailer rolled over onto the guard rail along route 1. initial reports were that the driver self extracted and walked out from the wreckage. There were 2 injuries resulting from the incident both were transported by OFC units. The tractor trailer was hauling cases of water. One lane remained closed for an extended period of time to allow for clean up, and replacment of the guard rail. The incident is still under investagation. 

*Submitted Photos*


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Odessa Fire Company
304 Main St.
P.O. Box 81
Odessa, DE 19730
302.378.8929 | 302.378.1300 (fax)

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