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Working Residential Fire with a Fatality and Injuries - Money Road
Saturday, June 29, 2013
On Saturday June 29, 2013 at approximately 2321 hours Odessa Fire Company was alerted for a Tanker and Engine to assist Townsend Fire Company on a Residential Fire located at 708 Money Road. Tanker 24 responded at 2325 hours with a crew of 5 and arrived on scene at 2330 hours to find heavy fire venting through the roof of a one story single family dwelling. The crew from Tanker 24 advanced a 1 3/4 inch hand line from Rescue 26 to protect a Propane Tank on the Delta Side of the structure. Townsend Command ordered an exterior attack and also advised that there was still a subject inside of the residence. Crews from Tanker 24 and Engine 4 began to do a check of the Charlie and Delta Side of the structure through the windows. Once the bulk of the fire was knocked down crews from Tanker 24 and Engine 4 gained access to the basement on the Charlie Side and conducted a primary search of the basement. During the search Engine 4 officer received injuries after the porch wall collapsed onto him pinning him briefly on the exterior of the residence. A Mayday was called by Captain Eckrich, who was standing in the area when the incident occurred. Engine 4 officer was quickly removed from the hazard and transported to Christiana Emergency Room for evaluation of a leg/knee injury. The Odessa Fire Company would like to thank those who helped our downed fellow firefighter during his time of need.

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Odessa Fire Company
304 Main St.
P.O. Box 81
Odessa, DE 19730
302.378.8929 | 302.378.1300 (fax)

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