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Passing Of Past President & Founding Member Virginia "Ginny" Guessford The Odessa Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary.
Thursday, April 1, 2021


                  It is with deep sorrow, The Odessa Fire Company announces the passing of Past President and Founding Member of The Ladies Auxiliary, Virginia “Ginny” Guessford wife of President Emeritus A. “Ike” Guessford. 

 Mrs. Guessford joined the auxiliary when it started in 1958. She served faithfully alongside all of the men & women of the fire company and auxiliary for over 62 years. She embraced all who joined the ranks and led by example. Her work ethic was second to none.  Always one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave. Ginny supported both the County and State lady's associations in many capacities throughout her years. 

At the request of Mrs. Guessford there will be no funeral services. She asks that we remember her by this quote, “Please don’t be sad-remember me rather than miss me. Remember, I’m just around the corner and will always be with all of you. You have to know that God will certainly take care of me. Live a good life.” 

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Odessa Fire Company
304 Main St.
P.O. Box 81
Odessa, DE 19730
302.378.8929 | 302.378.1300 (fax)

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